Anno Diana

David Mulhern
2 min readJul 15, 2019

I have a hard time with time. Do you?

Days of the Week

First of all, I hate our new day names. Sun has become Sunday. Saturn, Saturday. Moon has become Monday.

Friday should be Venus. Thursday, Jupiter. We have lost so much.

The order of the planets came from Hellenistic Astrology.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn

Compare those to our current day names and consider what we have lost.

The real is being replaced by the unreal. The more vague, the better.


I don’t care about months. Carve up the year however you want.


I believe we should base time on the rotation of the earth.

We pick zero. Perhaps the first temple of Diana. The universal time is in degrees between zero and three-hundred-sixty.

This truth could be interpreted by time keeping devices across the world in different ways.

1/1/2020 CE could be 1/1/0 AD. AD = Anno Diana. The rebirth of the old gods. That first moment would be zero degrees.


Birthdays are great. We have plenty of holidays. But there are so many we lost.

Let’s bring back the old ways. We all crave for truth beyond what we know.

Why not today?

Eventually, we will separate our time system from the birth of Mary’s first child. I think it should be 1/1/2020.

If you have an idea for a better date for zero, great — let’s go with that.



David Mulhern

I work from home on the outskirts of town. Close enough to see a movie but far enough to see the stars —